Listed companies law

We assist listed issuers on corporate governance matters and, in general, on issues related to the special regulations applicable to them, particularly on transparency, shareholders rights, related party transactions; we support them in the preparation of governance documents for the public.

We have well-established knowledge of market abuse legislation, which leads us to assist our clients and cooperate with leading criminal lawyers in assisting clients in defining safeguards with respect to the risk of committing crimes of insider trading and market manipulation, as well as in supporting clients who are the recipients of charges or who are under investigation.

In corporate governance matters related to regulated clients, such as banks and insurance companies, we combine our expertise on listed company matters with that on the special regulations applicable to them.

Thanks to a multi-disciplinary approach in legal and tax matters, we support our clients in establishing remuneration policies for board members and employees.


does not aim to do everything,
but to excel in what it does.